COVID-19 message from the Directors at ONE Creative environments (ONE) – 17/3/2020
Posted: 17 March 2020
We want to reassure you that ONE Creative Environments Ltd. is responding to all the latest advice and guidance regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) to safeguard our staff, their families, our clients and the wider public. We continue to monitor the situation daily and are taking the appropriate actions, with advice also from our external health and safety consultant, to ensure safe working practices.
This is a difficult time for many, and we wanted to take the opportunity to send our best wishes to you, your team and your families and friends. We also want to advise you on how we will continue to support your projects and provide the best possible service for all our clients through the coming months of anticipated disruption to normal daily lives.
Business Continuity
Prior to the global Coronavirus (COVID-19), we had plans in place to ensure Business Continuity and we are able to remain fully operational during unforeseen events such as this. Therefore, in many ways it is business as usual for ONE with some additional measures as outlined below.
Our staff
We continue to regularly update and support our staff regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). This has included the latest health and safety advice, for example, hygiene precautions that should be taken and procedures that they should follow should they feel unwell. We have put in place infrastructure for any staff member who may need to self-isolate and/or work remotely in order to follow current precautionary advice.
Secure remote working
We have made sure you can easily, and securely, keep in contact with members of ONE’s team who may need or prefer to work from home over the coming months and we appreciate you may also have people working remotely too.
The majority of our staff already have hardware, software and mobile phones to support remote working, however, we have now issued every member of staff with additional equipment they need to provide an uninterrupted service for our clients and facilitate remote collaborative communication and working. We have increased the bandwidth of our internet lease line connection coming into (and out of) the office and have also upgraded our firewalls so that all staff can access all the files that they need securely with the highest protection available. We are a Cyber Essentials Certified business.
Virtual group meetings
We invest in technology and have sophisticated video conferencing facilities which reduces the need to travel and attend group meetings. We can utilise these facilities, and mobile videoconferencing, for your meetings or another digital method which meets your needs. We have offices across the country in London, Birmingham and Worcester which we can utilise as needed if one part of the U.K. becomes quarantined in the future.
If you have any concerns, require any specific further support or additional measures to be put into place to assist your projects through the coming months of anticipated disruption, please contact the office to discuss and we will be happy to help.
Best wishes in these unprecedented times and please do keep in touch.