Severn View Bar and Hotel
When first-time bar and hotel owners purchased the Severn View on the edge of the River Severn in the centre...
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HQ: +44 (0) 1905 362 300 | London: +44 (0) 208 0596 526 | Birmingham : +44 (0) 121 312 3876 | Cardiff : +44 (0) 2920027983 |
ONE Creative environments (ONE) were commissioned to carry out a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) to assess the landscape and visual effects of the proposed improvements to Alexander Stadium. The LVIA supported a full application, submitted by Turley Associates on behalf of Birmingham Council, for a new back straight spectator stand to provide permanent seating for five thousand people.
Perry Barr, Birmingham
Birmingham City Council
Landscape Architecture,
The landscape and visual issues specifically address the effects of the development on local landscape character, landscape planning designations, trees and woodland, the visual amenity of local residents/footpath users and the visual appearance of the new development. The LVIA identified that the effects of the development were minimal and the only area/receptor experiencing a moderate effect was constrained to Perry Reservoir immediately adjacent to the site.
The LVIA also identified that the effects on the wider landscape were either low or negligible since there are very few long distance views towards the site. The limited views identified would only have a partial upper view of the stand in the context of an already visually disturbed urban environment, with numerous built elements interrupting the skyline.
The LVIA identified that with the mitigation measures employed as an integral part of the development, they would bring significant beneficial effects to both the landscape character and visual amenity of the local area.
The zone of visual influence within this heavily industrial and urban environment is very small, due to the nature of the topography and the significant screening elements of woodland/trees, housing and large industrial buildings and warehouses.